Numerology – What’s your Personal Number Vibration?

Omnia in numeris sita sunt.

(Everything lies veiled in numbers.)

I was a bit of a late bloomer 🙂 and didn’t discover numerology until I was around thirty-three years old. The discovery came to me in the form of a secondhand book, “Numerology and The Divine Triangle.” by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker, that I picked up from the local Value Village.

I just love this book! Not only is it a great source for the symbolism of numbers with great, in depth paragraphs on one’s Life Path and how each number/life path relates to another number/life path but I also use it to decipher the Rider-Waite tarot deck when I do readings for myself. This book makes correspondences between numbers, astrology, planets and the Rider-Waite tarot deck. SO cool.

Numerology and the Divine TriangleThe authors also reveal a ‘secret’ tool called The Divine Triangle which shows you how to create a blueprint for yourself using your name and your birthday. The blueprint ends up giving you a number that rules each 9-year phase in your life and their book gives ‘temporary vibration’ explanations for the number 1 right on up to 78/6 so the amount of in-depth information you get is really amazing.

Check the amazon reviews – the book was published in 1979 and still gets glowing reports! 🙂

Are you ready to find out what your Life Path is and what number your Name vibrates at?

Let’s get started!

Find out what your Life Path isUse the number key, above, to calculate the vibration of your Name, adding each number that corresponds to a letter in your name together like this:

TRACEY is 2 + 9 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 27 (now reduce it further by adding 2 + 7) = 9 or if I want to be most exact I’d say: 27/9

Do not reduce the Master Numbers (11 and 22) right away. Here is an example:

KATE is 11 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 19/1

If you really identify with your first and last name or a nickname or your full name, calculate all of the variations to see how they come out.

Numerology Month Key

Now, calculate your Birthday like this: December 2, 1966

December is the 12th month so December = 12.
12 (1+2) reduces to 3

The 2nd day stays as 2.

1966 reduces to 22, a master number, so leave it at 22.

So we have: 3 + 2 + 22 = 27/9 (again!) Yessssss, wildly, my first name and my birthday come out as the same number! A good friend of mine has the same thing with his first name and birthday 🙂

So, if you had the book you could read all about your 27/9 Personal Vibration but I’m just going to include the single digit Personal Number Vibration explanations from the book, below, so you can check them out and see how they fit!

If your birthday reduces to, say, a 3 and your name reduces to a 5 – read both!

Keep in mind the prominent numbers in your astrological chart, too. Check out the number of the degrees of your planets. Like the 9 of my name and the 9 of my birthday, 9’s are prominent in my birthchart as well. I have a 9 degree Scorpio Ascendant and a 9 degree Sagittarius Sun and my 9th house is inhabited by my Moon and my Jupiter (which is the 9th house’s natural ruler!). So, there I have confirmation that 9 is, indeed, an important vibration for me!

The other prominent number in my chart is 22. I have a 22 degree Leo Midheaven (MC), a 22 degree Neptune in the 1st house and a 22 degree Saturn in the 5th so I would say that 22 is an important number for me, too! And, I do like to build! It took me many years to be able to start building but I dreamed of building (Neptune trine Saturn in Pisces both at 22 degrees??) ever since I was about ten years old after I’d designed my very first house: an A-frame. It was the 70s after all 🙂 Through my 20s I continued to dream and design houses for different landscapes. I designed one in my early 30s, too, but I really thought that dream was ovah. But, it wasn’t! Life had more in store! In my late 30s I moved to Mexico and I started building when I was 42!

Soooooo pay attention and nurture your numbers! They will bloom in your life if you give them energy….

Life Path # 1You are independent! You dislike restraint of any kind and need to feel free from all encumbrances, so that your strong individuality may be expressed. You are here to build your own unique personality, which you can do only by exercising your will. As a result, you become a dominant force in any group to which you belong.

Recognizing that you are a natural leader, other people will look to you for guidance and strength, so you will probably be at the head of your organization, as a business executive, supervisor or club president.

You need to be first and best at whatever you do. Since you have a pioneering instinct, you are usually first, and because you have the courage to assert yourself, you are often the best.

You will be a loner in some respects, because your assertiveness tends to alienate all but emotionally secure or dependent types. You will learn to make your own decisions and stand by them, regardless of what others think. Your leadership qualities set you apart and make you acutely aware of the “weight of those splendid chains;” this is the responsibility borne by those in charge. You will meet many new and different kinds of people in your lifetime, because you are always seeking new experiences and initiating new schemes.

If you are a negative 1, you have an overpowering ego, which makes you arrogant, selfish and uncaring. You have no feeling for others and no regard for another person’s point of view. Your stubbornness in pursuing your own path in the face of contrary evidence sets up a series of events that will lead to failure and loneliness.

If you are a positive 1, and intellectually developed, you are quite original. Your keen, penetrating mind seeks many lines of expression, and your talents can manifest if you work as an inventor, designer or leader in any creative field. Your inventiveness allows you to solve problems creatively and constructively. This process will make you a skillful individual who expresses definite views positively. You are the pioneer setting out into the wilderness to carve a new life for yourself.

Life Path # 2The number 2 suggests more than one, and you, as a 2, are acutely conscious of others as opposed to yourself. Since you are socially aware of people, you tend to gather ideas and experience through others, so you would be a good diplomat, go-between, mediator or peacemaker. Your best service is through cooperation, for your mild and gentle nature is appreciated and welcomed by all sides.

You are not a forceful individual and you often prefer to stay quietly in the background. Because you are extremely aware of pairs of opposites, you find choices difficult. By remaining unobtrusive and discreet, you sometimes avoid making decisions. This quality could be a liability, but you can make it an asset by becoming an arbitrator. Your ability to see both sides of a situation, coupled with your sincerity, is a winning combination.

The number 2 also implies reflection and symmetry. Your imaginative powers are increased because you can see hidden aspects of beauty in life. Your ability to detach yourself and see separateness gives your creative and inventive potentials room to grow. When we look out into the world, we see what is in front and to the sides; we cannot see behind us without turning around. However, you seem to look into reality as in a mirror, seeing every detail, even those behind you which can be seen only with the mirror. You possess the all-seeing eye.

If you are a negative 2, you lack self-confidence, and are therefore indecisive and afraid to make decisions.  You can be deceitful or two-faced. You are oversensitive and easily depressed if your surroundings are unhappy.

If you are a positive 2, you can be of great service to others because of your ability to settle situations amicably, and you may well become the power behind the throne.

Life Path # 33 is the number of the performing arts, and you are a performer. You love life, the joy of social contracts, entertainment and new experiences. Your right active nature radiates like the Sun to warm the lives of others and your ease with people draws them to you like a magnet. You will always have many admirers.

You are an extremely expressive person, and you should develop your skill with words and cultivate the art of conversation. You can influence others through your ability to communicate about life in a grandiose fashion. Develop and put to work your talents for entertaining and communicating. You could do well as a teacher, artist, lawyer, judge, writer, nurse, pastor or priest.

Travel will probably be an important part of your life, because you need to become involved in many experiences and investigate new opportunities. Your varied interests make your thinking broad and all-encompassing.

You like to be on stage, to entertain and live the good life. Recognition is important to you, for you need to know you are appreciated. You like to wear nice clothes, and are or should be aware of your appearance, because performing depends on how you look and project yourself.

A negative 3 does everything in a big way – eating, drinking, loving and living. You can be too self-indulgent, and extravagance could be your downfall. You tend to overact and exaggerate situations, turning mole-hill problems into mountains. Friendships will then be superficial. You may try to avoid responsibility and live just for the moment. Too much talk may make you a gossip.

As a 3, you should learn no to spread yourself too thin, which is an easy trap to fall into, with your many talents and interests. You should master at least one talent.

As a positive 3, you will be very lucky in speculative matters, investing, gambling and taking chances in general. You will have many lucky opportunities through your friends, who are most eager to assist you in every way. Your luck is derived from your positive outgoing attitude, which induces people to want to help you.

You should avoid occupations that keep you confined in close quarters or demand long hours of isolation, because you need to move around and express yourself in order to do your best work and be happy.

Life Path # 4Symbolically, the number 4 and the four-sided square are synonymous. As a child, you spent time in a square crib and playpen. As you grew older, you drew pictures of a square house in which you and your family lived. You played with square blocks and most likely romped in a square yard. Although the perimeters of your world grew as you matured, still the boundaries defined the extent to which you could expand. Because these boundaries protected you from harm, the square became imbedded in your subconscious as a symbol of security and structure, a comfortable, productive and organized system of existence.

All earthly things come under a 4. As the recipient of this vibration, you are a very creative builder, an individual who puts form and structure into life. You build tangible objects because you need to see visible results from your efforts. Carpenters, masons, draftsmen and all the building trades come under a 4.

You are a good worker. An employer can rely upon your stability, steadiness, honesty and sense of responsibility. You are the salt-of-the-earth type who realizes the importance of a sound foundation upon which to build the future. By upholding the traditions of the past you reinforce your sense of security in the present and the future.

Your naturally cautious, industrious nature makes you a saver. You are a patient planner, and you insist that your finances be organized. Because of this predilection toward thrift, practicality and wise handling of finances, you would be a good banker or financier.

A negative 4 can be a “workaholic” whose stern and sterile outlook makes life a plodding drudgery. You can be stingy, unfriendly and alone, boxed in by secure walls of your own making, which protect you from the outside world, but also prevent you from enjoying relationships with others. This person feels limited and restrained because of a fearful need for security.

As a positive 4, you have the ability to build a useful world through sound reasoning, where your hard work and patient perseverance will benefit others in a tangible way.

Life Path # 5Freedom is an absolute necessity for you. You cannot be fenced in,and your restless, adventurous nature demands that you travel physically, mentally or spiritually. Because you are an explorer, researcher and investigator at heart, your travels expose you to varied experiences which you immediately digest, dissect and file for future reference. More than others, you learn from experience. You like to probe for information and experiment, and therefore you would be a good detective.

Versatile, clever, adaptable and very creative, you can do anything you really want to do. You are extremely efficient, but you dislike monotony and cannot stand routine jobs. You perform well as long as the problem or focus of concentration holds your interest. As a constructive 5, you can go to the heights and the depths without harm. There is no limit to what you can do, if your actions are governed by reason rather than emotion.

You have inexhaustible energy which, if not controlled, can turn into outbursts of temper. When you are tired, you rebound quickly, for nothing upsets you for long. Your quick mind and instant reactions cause you to make impulsive decisions on occasion, and you tend to be impatient with people who respond more slowly. You live on nervous energy.

Because change is a natural part of your life, you must learn to make changes in a progressive way. Otherwise, you can become unstable and go in too many directions at once, becoming the proverbial jack of all trades, master of none.

There are two paths open to a 5; they are indulgence on the physical plane and progress on the mental plane. As a 5, you can become immersed in the purely physical side of life, saturating your senses with drugs, alcohol, sex, food and comforts. Because you communicate well and are very witty, talkative, enthusiastic and attractive to the opposite sex, you can easily fall into the sensual life, disregarding and wasting your many talents. Negative 5’s can be insincere, untruthful, selfish, irresponsible, extravagant and unpopular.

Mental development is the key to the 5, and if you choose this path, the change and variety you surround yourself with will supply answers to all your many questions. Your vast knowledge will impress people, and you will eventually accomplish the supreme task of the 5, that of cleansing the sanctuary or regenerating the body by control of the senses. Because 5 is the number of the ability to develop the powers within, you can become a sage.


Life PATH # 6

You are an artistic individual with a fine eye for beauty and symmetry. You find art and music relaxing, rewarding and necessary for your happiness. If you choose a professional career outside the home, the creative arts would be an appropriate field.

Your innate analytical ability allows you to go right to the crux of any matter and solve problems easily and logically. Your keen perception and sense of justice would be assets for professional pursuits in law and counselling. Others sense your sagacity, honesty and fairness and seek you out to settle any differences they encounter. You are a responsible person who meets obligations and can be depended upon to follow through on anything you have promised.

6 is also the domestic vibration, indicating that you love your home and children. You may have married young in order to obtain the love you need, which a mate and children can provide. A woman with this number is likely to be a homemaker, very protective and fond of her husband and children. She prefers to be at home rather than to go out and battle the world for a living. One reason for her reluctance to go out into the world is the need for peace and harmony, which is important for all 6’s. A beautiful, artistically decorated home is very important for you. You enjoy decorating and making your surroundings attractive. You like comfort and peace and will not tolerate discord. Entertaining in your own home, if possible is a joy for you, and you are a charming host or hostess.

You really love your friends and are concerned and sympathetic to their needs. If they require help, you generously offer whatever you have. Because of your generosity, kindness, patience and tolerance, you have many friends.

A negative 6 can be very obstinate. You may become a slave to your loved ones, who use you as a doormat. You may bury yourself in your home, becoming a recluse. If you feel you have been denied the love you need to desperately, you will feel sorry for yourself, complain and whine, and indulge in self-pity. You may become discontented and jealous and play the martyr.

As a positive 6, you can be a tremendous power for good, bringing joy, love, beauty and a sense of justice into others’ lives, thus establishing yourself as a snug harbour in the cold, destructive storms of life.

Life Path # 7You are a dreamer and a philosopher, and your destiny is your mind. You are attracted to the mystical side of life. Your clairvoyant and psychic abilities are marked, and you will develop the intuitive, introspective side of your personality. Often your psychic hunches foretell future events. If you develop your psychic gift, you can use it for the benefit of others.

Realizing that you must leave behind the desires of the material world, you turn to the world of mind and thought. There you learn to enclose yourself behind secret walls, where your creative imagination roams freely. Poetry and music lift your spirits and transport you to other spaces. Your self-imposed periods of isolation make you something of an enigma even to yourself. You are often called a loner, and no one really knows you. Of all the numbers, you could most easily remain single, and in fact, many 7’s live as hermits or recluses. When it comes to carrying out your own ideas, you can be very determined.

As a rule, orthodox religious beliefs don’t offer you enough spiritual substance; therefore, you will search for your own individual belief system. However, some 7’s stay with their church and rise to positions of great power. Pythagoras considered 7 to be the most sacred of all the numbers, and his students took their vows or obligations by the number 7. In ancient days, a child born under the number 7 was immediately placed in the temple to become a priest or priestess. Today 7’s are found in the higher echelons of the church or as leaders in mystical circles. They gain spiritual realization and become masters.

You are a perceptive person who understands human nature. When you meet someone you are not often fooled by their outer personality, but seem to scan their inner motives at once. Sometimes you make people uneasy with your ability to see right through them.

You prefer living in the country rather than in the city. In the country you can lead a leisurely life in a dignified and conservative atmosphere. You have a retiring nature and, in that environment, you can experience the periods of quiet contemplation that are necessary for your mental development.

The fastidiousness of your dress is unique; you would never wear someone else’s clothes, nor would you let anyone else wear yours. You seem to be innately aware that all people have their own distinct vibrations, which are transmitted to anything they touch.

Generally, you dislike advice, and others find it hard to convince you of things because your mind is so individualistic.

A negative 7 is gloomy. Your disappointment in the outer world drives you to a lonely existence, where you become a hermit or recluse, and shut out the people who cannot live up to your ideals.

However, by using your will and by gaining control of your tremendous mental powers, you can be a vehicle for good in a world that desperately needs what you have to offer – a sound creative mind.

Life Path # 8Strength, will and effort are the keywords for your nature. You have the ability to channel your energies in order to alter any given situation, so you will ultimately be a leader. The power you exert over the material world is a product of the discipline you expend. You are the big boss type with executive abilities, and you can manage and organize efficiently. With your sound business judgement and knowledge of the value of a dollar, you prefer a big expanding business to a small enterprise.

Working for material gain alone will not provide the satisfaction you need, and you must learn to share your good fortune with others. You work zealously for the causes you adopt, and you should encourage your philanthropic leanings. Don’t neglect your spiritual side, however. Develop and live by a sound policy, so that if material reverses occur, you will still have a solid basis on which to rebuild. This is where your sense of balance and judgement is most necessary.

Your marriage is likely to be based on a need for security rather than love. You want to be proud of your family, home and possessions.

If you are a negative 8, you are someone to be feared. You can be a bully, domineering, selfish and ruthless, scheming for your own advancement. You may be a revolutionary, ready to overthrow and disrupt. Upheaval is a way of life with you.

An 8 knows no halfway measures. It is either personal limitation or spiritual freedom, splendor or degradation. You must accept responsibility and handle it as well as you can. Use the positive 8 vibrations to create a stable material world in which you are willing to share your fine managerial capabilities and creative talents. Be guided by the philanthropist in you.

Life Path # 9You are a humanitarian, a universalist who thinks in abstract terms. Born for service to others, you want to make the world a better place in which to live. Since 9 is the last single digit, it indicates attainment, perfection and completion, the seeds for new beginnings, the foundation for future growth in the next or higher cycle.

You have a thirst for spiritual knowledge and an urge for freedom and wisdom that transcends personal needs. You desire to live an ideal life according to your inspirations and aspirations. Through your responsive reaching out to the world, you become a beacon for others.

The number 9 is a testing number. The higher you evolve, the more difficulties you may encounter. You should be tolerant of and merciful to others on your path. In this way you will be an example for them, and they will recognize your sympathetic and compassionate nature. People will be drawn to you for your deep and broad understanding.

Your thinking is vast, and without limits. Because of your openness, your psychic abilities are well developed, and foresight, premonitions and predictions flow from you with ease. You seem to have a direct line to the mysteries of life. You have very strong emotions and feelings and could evolve a new philosophy for humanity.

You are generous and idealistic. For anyone who needs your wisdom and guidance, you are open-handed and beneficent, because you realize that knowledge belongs to those who seek it. Charitable work is close to your heart, and you are likely to be a patron of the arts and sciences.

Your associations with other people in your life are intense, but not necessarily enduring. You must learn to let friends go when their needs have been filled, because your destiny is to be a loner, a sort of recluse. You are not meant to sit along meditating on a mountaintop, but your innate wisdom and understanding separate you from the crowd. You must share your wisdom to enlighten the world, so you cannot be bound by enduring ties that would limit your mobility. Your life cycle includes travel and associations with famous personalities who will be drawn to you by your free spirit and broad compassion. Your friendship encompasses the world. You easily acquire money and independence, so that you are free to pursue your worldly destiny.

If you are a negative 9, you are self-serving and concerned with your own needs rather than the needs of others. This self-indulgence precludes belief in a higher source and can result in faithlessness. When crossed you are quick tempered. Your keen mind makes you a formidable enemy. Since 9’s have to live up to a higher standard than the other numbers, the resulting tension can cause nervous troubles. This can produce unhappy relations with others, including your mate.

Life Path # 1111 is one of the four master numbers, along with 22, 33 and 44. All master numbers are powerful because they accentuate the vibration of the base number to which they can be reduced.

As an 11, you can draw upon the cosmic forces for inspiration and for aid in attaining enlightenment and even cosmic consciousness. Your pronounced intuitive abilities can guide your original, inventive and creative mind. As you will probably be a leader in some way, you must use these higher vibrations wisely. True mastery is service, and you need to be practical as well as idealistic in the role you assume.

Foresight and acute perception make you a visionary. You are idealistic and feel compassion for all types of people, regardless of their station in life. The desire to uplift others brings out the teacher in you. You can be a memorable teacher, speaker, preacher or writer, whose deep understanding of people’s needs inspires them and opens new avenues of expression within them. Your talent for educating others cannot go unrecognized for long, and probably you will become famous. You are the specialist who seeks accomplishment rather than glory, but who always seems to gain recognition at the same time.

With your sense of justice, fairness and honesty, you can become a leader in public and civic affairs, where your impartiality promotes better standards of living for the people whose lives you touch.

Your life will be busy and active, forever meeting tests and challenges. If you go to extremes in emotion, fortune and health, the high vibration of 11 will pull you out with renewed and surprising courage.

You are intrigued by ESP, the occult and mystical and spiritual studies. Through some metaphysical or philosophical discipline, you can more easily tap your great creative potential. As an inspirational artist you can create objects of exquisite beauty that can evoke deep feelings in the viewer. You should work with others of like nature.

If you don’t respond to the higher vibration of 11, you live life as a 2.

If you are a negative 11, you use your power harmfully, which will work to your own detriment by creating negative karma. You may be unfair, prejudiced and severe, and you should beware of hidden dangers. However, you can redeem yourself through charitable works.

Use your 11 to create a balanced life, in which all your actions are weighed and measured. Your great insight and inspirational devotion will be an oasis in the parched lives of many people.

Life Path # 22This is one of the four master numbers and it can be experienced as either a 22 or a 4, or as a fluctuation between the two during your lifetime.

You are the Master Builder.

You have the potential to accrue vast wealth and power on a world-wide scale. Your greatness can be achieved through resources, including people. You are the philanthropist whose fortune gained from material achievement is used to build a better world.

Your originality allows you to create solutions to problems that others consider unsolvable. You have a genius for thinking in broad terms while always arriving at practical solutions. You are hard working, honest in dealing with people, and above all, ethical. You are a master at directing others but be careful never to exploit them for selfish reasons. Over work and a desire for power and control can create a negative 22 whose potential for evil can produce a ruthless and even infamous type. Overwork brings on emotional difficulties.

You have strong opinions and a great deal of wisdom, which is always directed to practical uses.

You are a creator on the material plane; you build in a large way.

Serve well and you will be rewarded in direct proportion.

All of these excerpts are from the book, Numerology and The Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker.

I hope you had some Ah-HA’s! 🙂

53 thoughts

        1. Ay yay yay, how could that have happened!!?? It’s one of my favourite numbers! Eeek.

          Let me see….for me 33 is this:

          My feeling of 33 is that at your highest level and as you grow older your intuition grows, you have more mystical experiences and you can see the Magic of Life! So it’s like the high, mystical, compassionate vibration of Neptune (anyone with a 33 in their name or life path should look up their astrological chart to see if they have a strong Neptune! 🙂 ) which endows one with the same qualities + compassion and acceptance and unconditional love of others (but mainly children and animals 🙂 ) When 33 reduces to 6, it becomes a Venusian number: Love, Family, Beauty, Creativity.

          Neptune is the higher vibration of Venus 🙂

    1. Great post! I’d love to know my vibrational numbers. My birthdate is 05th October 1981.

      Thanks in advance

        1. Hi Muskan!

          Ohhhhh that’s a little more in depth – the book, The Divine Triangle, by Dusty Bunker has great information on the relationship between two numbers, however – so if you get that book you’ll find that information in here. There may be a general rules that even numbers are in harmony as are odd numbers. 🙂

    1. Thank you for this information.

      My birthday is 10/10/1981.
      Would it be:
      1+1+19= 21/12 =6
      Thank you for your help 🙂

        1. Hi Nasia!

          Both of your calculations should come out adding up to 3:
          1+1+19 = 21/3 (because 2 + 1 = 3)
          1+10+19 = 30/3 (because 3 + 0 = 3)

          I always reduce each number unless it’s a master number so I’d do your birthday like this: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 🙂

          Life Path 3! Dynamic, communicative, movement-oriented, creative….

                1. Hi Sudarshan!

                  Your personal vibration number is….drum roll please…One! It’s all about You, this time around 🙂 Independence, assertiveness, being exactly who you are, leading, knowing yourself… very nice!

    1. Hi, my name is Janice, born July 21, 63. Would you please let me know my vibrational number? Thank you

        1. Hi Janice!

          Your life path number is 7 + 3 + 1 = 11/2 – a Master Number! So, please read the 11. You have the opportunity to live in the high vibration of 11: intuition, inspiration, creativity, originality and also live in the ‘2’ vibration which is all about Relationships, duality, polarity, balance…

          You name Janice reduces to 6: it’s a Venus number (ruler of Libra and Taurus)…beauty, harmony, family, love, pleasure….


        1. My name is Kimberly Thorpe (Glass is married name but am divorcing finally after a long 7 year separation where I couldn’t find him). I always just go by Thorpe. Sorry for the double comment. Did not realize my “auto fill” still used my married name.
          I would prefer using my given name Kimberly Thorpe & my birthday 4/29/1988.
          Also, the # 13 is VERY prominent in my life, it’s EVERYWHERE, from my children’s birthdays to my anniversary with my husband (dating & wedding), anniversary of my current love, job start date, etc! Is that positive or negative?

            1. Hi Kimberly!

              OK let’s see….

              Kimberly is a 5 (Change, Adventure)
              Thorpe is a 1 (Individual, Independent, Becoming who you are meant to become!)

              Glass is a 13/4!! Hmmm, that’s interesting! All the individual letters add up to 13 which then reduce to 4.

              Sooooo, that’s significant eh?? 13 on it’s own is the Death & Transformation number! Essentially, if it’s a prominent number for you, it’s showing that, for you, a significant part of your life is about letting go of the old so that the new can be reborn….shedding your old skin like a snake….dying to the old you and being born to the new you. Healing & Transformation! Wow eh?? That’s pretty interesting!

              The 4 speaks to Form, Discipline, Manifestation in the physical, Restriction….whether you read it positively or negatively….

              Hope that brings a bit of an AH-haaaaa! (this is the point of all this self-discovery stuff in my mind…because each Ah-HA! brings us up to a new level of understanding ourselves….it’s fantastic! 🙂 )

        1. Ooooh Happy Birthday yesterday!!! 🙂

          Your birthday Life Path reduces to a 5…so that’s interesting! Your first name is a 5 and your Life Path! I’m like that, too! My first name, Tracey, is a 9 and my Life Path is a 9! I have a few friends where this syncs up…makes it rather clear what your Path is about, don’t you think? 🙂 You can read all about the FIVE above.

          Also….being astrologically-minded I couldn’t help myself and I took a peek at your astrological chart because I was interested to see if the 13 symbolism showed up anywhere in your chart and indeed it did! 13, the number of Death and Transformation is essentially the same vibration as Pluto and Scorpio….well…if you take a look at your chart you’ll see that your Pluto is actually IN Scorpio and opposes your Sun/Jupiter/Mercury all in Taurus! Sooo, yes, indeed, a big part of your life IS about self-transformation….and, transforming through your Relationships (symbolized by the opposition). Very intense! But very positive, too, because look Jupiter is right in there lending his energy of growth, luck, abundance…

          You can learn how to read your own chart (and generate it so you can see what I’m talking about! 🙂 ) here:

          Wishing you a very exciting year ahead! (Uranus, planet of excitement, change and personal freedom, moves into your sign, Taurus, May 16th and stays there for around 9 years – sooooo that is big big big for Taurus’)

          Hope this all is helpful!

    1. Hello Tracey,

      I would like to confirm if I am calculating this correctly and if not could you help me out, please.

      5 + 6 + 5 + 3 = 19/10

      Birthday, 2 August 1985:
      1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 23/5

      Is that correct and could you also give me any more information?

      Thank you very much.

        1. Hi Noel!

          Yes, that is correct – your name, Noel is: 19/1

          I’m getting your birthday as 33/6 because I’m keeping the 23 as a 23 before I add all the other numbers (just saw your other post 🙂 You got it!) (33 is a master number – I wonder if you will resonate with what it says above?)

          My feeling of 33 is that at your highest level and as you grow older your intuition grows, you have more mystical experiences and you can see the Magic of Life! So it’s like the high vibration of Neptune (you should look at your astrological chart to see if you have a strong Neptune! 🙂 ) which endows one with the same qualities + compassion and acceptance and unconditional love of others (but mainly children and animals 🙂 ) When 33 reduces to 6, it becomes a Venusian number: Love, Family, Beauty, Creativity.

          Neptune is the higher vibration of Venus 🙂

          So, coupled with your name, Noel (19/1) I’m getting the feeling of a rather old soul (9)….and one that really wants to be radiantly and clearly themselves! It comes down to you being true to yourself, independent, unique….all that 1 energy….and starting something new, being an initiator…

          Lots there to look at!

          I looked up your astrological chart to check on Neptune and it IS aspecting four of your planets (three of them personal: venus, mercury and the moon) but more than that it IS opposite your Venus, which is significant….In Relationship you can really idealize the other…and might not be able to see them very clearly…and there is a definite dissolving of edges so that you meld with the object of your affection…mystical experiences, too…hmmmm…interesting! You can check out your chart and learn how to generate it and read it if you’re interested, too, here:

          Hope this generates some Ah-HAs! 🙂

            1. Ooooh and I meant to say that when one turns 33 (even someone who doesn’t have 33 as one of their Life Path numbers) it can be a very magical time when you really start to become the person you’re meant to become. As though you suddenly OPEN to more of who you are…

              You’re turning 33 in August, right? Mmmmm I love this timing! 🙂

                1. Tracey,
                  Thank you very much for this insightful and fantastic reply. I really felt excited reading it and you have actually opened my mind to a lot of things that I would not have known. You are correct in thinking that I am turning 33 in August and while it means that I am getting older, I am actually looking forward to being attached to that number for 1 year. I think it just sounds and feels right. Thank you very much again, a lot of things make perfect sense right now after reading your explanation. I will certainly take a look at the link you gave me as well.

                  Have a great day,

        1. Hi Naarai!

          I don’t know how I missed your post – sorry!

          Your vibrational number is 25/7

          I got that from 5 + 11 (don’t reduce the master number) + 9 (1989 = 27/9) = 25/7

          Your Life Path is 7 – 9s and 7s really get a long – I have many 7 friends…they have a quiet spirituality inside them, don’t like loud obnoxious noises :), love to be in nature…are connected to their higher selves….

    1. Hello my name is Latasha, I think i missed a step and calculated it wrong but my birthday is October 20, 1987. Can you please help me calculate my vibrational numbers?

        1. Hi LaTasha!

          Your birthday adds up to 1 🙂 The beginning! Individuality, Independence, Being exactly YourSelf and no one else! Initiating! 🙂

    1. Hi
      My name is Julian, i did the numbers
      and got the same for my name as for my birthday

      Julian – 1+3+3+9+1+5=22/4
      birthday- (July) 9+7+1+9+9+5=40/4
      Think i got it right.

        1. Hi Julian!

          Yes, you absolutely got it right! So you’re another one with the same number for your name and your life path – nice! 4 it is! And there is even a Master Number built in to your name: 22 – so at your highest level you have powers to manifest something solid, stable and long-lasting in the real world!

    1. This is awsome stuff to learn about. I’m not sure I’m doing this right . my name is diane Mitchell’s Vaughn birthday is august 31st 1981 can you help me figure my destiny number and my vibration number?

        1. Hi Diane! Sorry I am so late replying – I don’t know what happened there!

          Your Birthday adds up to 4 – so

          Your name Diane adds up to 6 – but what I notice right away about your name is that Diane begins with the letter D which vibrates at a 4 and Vaughn vibrates at 22 which reduces to 4. So here we have our clues! I don’t think we need to go any further. 22 is a master number – a Master Builder…4 is hard-working to make something here in the physical world….so this really syncs up nicely with your birthday Life Path! Using discipline and focus to create long-lasting Forms in this real physical world we are living in…it’s a very Earthly number, this one.

    1. Hi Tracey
      My name is Earle William Haupt
      My birth date is 21-06-1970
      I think my vibrational numbers are
      6. 21. 11. 8. 22. 33
      Not sure if this is correct.
      I would like to know what does this all mean?

        1. Hi Earle!

          Your birthday adds up to 3 + 6 + 8 = 17/8 – power, abundance and manifestation! Woo!

          More information on this page above 🙂

          Your first name adds up to 5, your middle name to 7 and your last name to 3 = 6 for all of them.

          But….the first letter of your last name: H is an 8 as well 🙂

        1. You had me excited there for a minute – but, nope, you’ve calculated it incorrectly.

          Your name is 5/5/8 = 9
          Your birthday is 8/7/9 = 6


        1. Nice! Nine is the life path of an old soul and helpful person 🙂 If your name is a Five – you really wanted to experience being a Human Being and all that goes with it…specifically Adventure and Change!

    1. Hello, my name is Arkapratim Pal.I can not calculate my vibrational number by your process……………plzzzzzzzz help me by calculating that.
      My date of birth of 3rd November,2002.
      I’m waiting for your kind response.
      Please help me to explore myself……….. I am eagerly waiting…..☺️☺️🤗😊

        1. Hi Arkapratim!

          Let’s see…your first name, Arkapratim, adds up to 9 and Pal adds up to 11 (master number!) Together they equal: 20/2

          Your birthday adds up to 18/9

          Ahhhh so that is interesting! Like me my first name, Tracey, and my birthday add up to 9! Someone sent me this video on the specialness of the number nine so I’ll pass it on to you just in case:

          I also have some information on the 9 vibration (old soul, good heart 🙂 ) on this page 🙂


    1. Hi yellow resonant Sun here life path 6 (33)
      Really cool stuff with this website you’re doing an amazing job forever grateful for your energy.
      Quick question I wanted to know why my harmonic number was five. can’t seem to find a reason. Though it does coincide with my birth card ” five of Spades”

    1. hi this is all very interesting although
      im having trouble deciphering how to calculate my numbers would gratefully appreciate your help
      birth date is 14.08.1988

      regards and blessings !! hope to hear soon

        1. Hi Chloe! If your birthday is August 14, 1988 you have 8 + 5 (because 14 reduces to 5) + 8 (since 1988 reduces to 8) = 21/3 So your Life Path is 3…Creative, Communicative, Dynamic, Movement-oriented and Change-oriented…

    1. I’m trying to understand. I’m reading a book pn numerology but still confused. My name is Chelsea so I think my #is 8? But my birthday is Jan 6th 1989 (yesterday was my bday lol) so would that number be 7? Hope I’m doing this correctly. I enjoyed your article!

        1. Hi Chelsea!

          Happy belated birthday!! 🙂 You still have time to do the Solar Return exercise! 🙂

          Yes, your name, Chelsea does add up to 8. That’s a powerful, ambitious, manifesting number! And, yes, your birthday adds up to 7 – a very spiritual, open, nature-loving Path… The 7 and the 8 can work well together if what you’re manifesting in your life (8) is a true reflection of your connected-to-your-higher-self Self 🙂 Nice!

    1. Hi Tracey, I know this is an older post but I’m hoping you still respond. Are these numbers considered vibrational numbers? If not would you please provide mine? Elizabeth Velma Jean Higgs- May 5th, 1963 @ 2:20am Thanks

        1. Elizabeth! Your birthday reduces to 11 – a Master Number! Highly intuitive and creative and unconventional if you’re working with the energies at the 11 vibration and not just the 2 vibration. Nice!

          Your name Elizabeth adds up to 7 which is a spiritual number…enjoys quiet and nature and you’re attuned to your higher self.
          Velma = 8
          Jean = 3
          Higgs = 5
          Whole name = 5
          Elizabeth Higgs = 3

          Interestingly Velma Jean, together, add up to 11.

          You’ve got a lot there to work with 🙂

    1. Hello! I got this book a few weeks ago and am having difficulty with the path of destiny number. For example, my friend Cara Jeannette Christopher has a soul number of 38/11 and an outer personality number of 74/11. To get the path of destiny number we add the unreducded number of the two which comes to 112/4… but 112 is too high a number to get a detailed breakdown. Does this makes sense?

        1. Hi Beth! I don’t have my book in front of me but I guess you’d have to add the two reduced, yet Master, numbers together: 11 + 11 = 22 another master number! Master Builder – Manifestor – Creator 🙂

    1. I love this so much it’s so amazing to learn about all this fascinating stuff. But I’m having trouble understanding the bday part. Mine is 11/24/2000
      Please help! Thank you

        1. Hi Destiny! I knowwwww, I love it, too! 🙂 So…your birthday would be reduced like this: 11 stays asis since it’s a Master Number 24 reduces to 6 and 2000 reduces to 2. So you have 11+6+2= 19, which reduces to 1. Your Life Path is 1 – Unity, Independence, Individuality, Assertion, Starting projects…having courage to Act….and to be yourSelf 🙂

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