My favourite easy-to-do, inexpensive cleanses that will clean the toxins out of your body and keep you healthy…
The Bentonite & Psyllium Bowel Cleanse, Liver Flush, Parasite Cleanse, Master Cleanse and the 3-Day Apple Fast.

Louis Hay
I think I was a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to cleansing and detoxing. The only reason I started to cleanse in 2002 was because I’d had a very significant-feeling dream that I sent to one of my favourite dream-interpreters to give me some extra insights because I felt like I must be missing something – and he said that the dream was telling me that I needed to cleanse my physical body in order to be able to receive higher, less dense energies. He explained that so much of my energy was going to just dealing with the toxins in my physical body that there wasn’t any energy left over for higher, more spiritual matters. Coooooool!
It probably didn’t take a professional dream-interpreter to tell me that the Beluga whale I was communicating telepathically with in my dream (he was standing on his tail – sooooo tall! So alien-looking!), was indicating I needed to clean myself out because, after all, the beluga whale himself told me so! At one point in the dream he took out a large, perfectly round mirror and held it up to me so he could see inside my body. I looked away but ended up peeking a bit and saw the reflection of my organs and blood and bone in the mirror. When I asked him, telepathically, ‘How do I look?” he replied, “Oh, you just need a little vacuuming out. In our world it would happen instantly but in yours it’s going to take time.” 🙂 So there.
Thus, began my quest to find the perfect cleanse! This brought me straight to Curezone where I ended up being a moderator for 2 years – answering questions and posting helpful information 8 to 10 hours a day! Until they changed their website you could search my username, Tracey, and see that I had posted over 8000 times! Ha! I loved those two years. I supported and encouraged hundreds of people on their bowel cleanses, liver flushes, master cleanses and apple fasts. After a while they gave me my own Astrology Forum and Dream Forum and then we got to combine cleansing with dreams and astrology! SOOOoo fantastic. I remember feeling, at that time, that I had finally found my calling – I had never felt so fulfilled in my life. (Neptune in Aquarius was sextiling my Sun and Venus in Sagittarius and my planet, Jupiter, conjoined my MC and began transiting my 10th house)
So, what did I learn there? That there are a whole slew of easy-to-do, inexpensive cleanses that will clean the toxins out of your body and keep you healthy 🙂
Here are my favourite cleanses and links on the subject…
Bowel Cleansing Options
This is my favourite way to cleanse the bowel. It is super simple – you just take Bentonite Clay & Psyllium ‘shakes’ three times a day for as long as you think it necessary. Eliminate the mucoid plaque that sticks to your intestines blocking the assimilation of nutrients from your food and feel great!
What is Mucoid Plaque? Good question! Dr. Anderson answers it: “The intestines can store a vast amount of partially digested, putrefying matter (as well as drugs and other toxic chemicals – for decades even. Some intestines, when autopsied, have weighed up to 40 pounds and were distended to a diameter of 12 inches with only a pencil-thin channel through which the feces could move.
That 40 pounds was due to caked layers of encrusted mucus mixed with fecal matter, bizarrely resembling hardened blackish-green truck tire rubber or an old piece of dried rawhide. I call this mucoid plaque. This mucoid plaque, when it is removed during an intensive colon cleanse, often shows ropelike twists, striations, overlaps, folds, creases – the shape and texture of the intestinal wall.” More details here.
You can read about how my boyfriend-at-the-time pooed out a bright and shiny 1974 penny that he had swallowed when he was a little boy, on a little-boy whim, after he and his friends had been cleaning pennies in a vinegar solution! True and hilarious story! He was only on Day 6 of B&P shakes three times a day and he was eating steamed vegetables and brown rice, mainly – annnnd out the penny came! He was totally shocked and couldn’t believe it! He had two friends who were doctors and he told them about the experience and both of them said, separately, “That’s impossible. There is no where for that penny to hide”. (there ya go!! The narrow-mindedness of conventional doctors revealed!!) But, he said, “It’s not impossible – because it happened!“. And, in fact, there are 25 feet of squished together intestines – so, I would say there are plenty of crannies a penny could hide and obviously there were! How cool is it that the Bentonite Clay and Psyllium shakes got it out?! If they can remove a penny that has been stuck for 26 years then surely they can remove some mucoid plaque and other toxins 🙂 If you do any cleanse at all, you gotta do this one. It is a good one!
Here is a page on Everything-You-Need-to-Know-About-Bowel-Cleansing-but-were-afraid-to-Ask 🙂 including the fact that 90% of seratonin (the happy chemical) is synthesized in the gastro-intestinal tract. A very good reason to keep your intestines and clean and toxin-free: You’ll be Happier!
Does ingesting Bentonite Clay make you nervous? Don’t fear 🙂 “Some people are concerned about the aluminum in bentonite. Yes, it does have aluminum. Aluminum is one of the most abundant minerals on the earth. However, Bentonite has a negative electrical charge, so Bentonite cannot be absorbed by the body. The epithelium cells of the gut are also negatively charged. Like the polar opposites of two magnets repelling one another, the cells of our bowels absolutely repel the Bentonite from entering the inner sanctum of our bodies. This means that you never need to be concerned about taking the bentonite clay and psyllium shakes. Dr. Anderson has probably set the world’s record in the consuming of bentonite. Not only has he no signs of aluminum poisoning, but also hair analysis has never indicated any abnormal levels of aluminum in his body. Does he still use bentonite? Absolutely.”
If you need some cleanse inspiration read Zule’s post on how her cleansing went with the Holistic Horizon’s Cleanse. I’ve never done that one – but it sounds like a good one and has no herbal laxatives: no cascara sagrada. We always advise against cleanses that include cascara sagrada, which is a natural laxative, because it would be terrible if your body got dependent on it. But, if you are prone to constipation and your warm-water drinking isn’t helping you to move your bowels you may want to get a cleanse that does have cascara sagrada in it. But only then.
More inspiration from Ptree when she did the Holistics Horizon Cleanse.
Your reading isn’t done yet, noooooo!! You must read The Dr. Within’s article, “Journey to the Center of the Colon” so that you really understand the importance of keeping your intestines clean and functioning. We live in a very chemical, processed, toxic world right now so cleansing is imperative.
Parasite Cleansing Options
You can do your parasite cleanse at the same time that you do your bowel cleanse but you just have to be careful about the timing since both the B&P shakes and the parasite herbs need to be taken on an empty stomach. If this is too much work just do the parasite cleanse before or after the bowel cleanse – either works.
The best Parasite Cleanses contain wormwood, black walnut and cloves. The best I’ve heard of are Paragone, Clarkia or Old Amish Dewormer. CoQ10 kills tapeworms, specifically. Check out Tiratu’s post on her 20″ parasite! Eeeeek.
Liver and Gallbladder Flushes
Back in 2002 and 2003 I did about six liver flushes. They are not pleasant! After swallowing the emulsified olive oil and fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice drink I would lie down to sleep and invariably wake up in the wee hours of the morning feeling nauseous. But, very satisfyingly, I eliminated the most cholesterol liver balls the first time (probably 50 or so) and by the end of my sixth flush there were just a few! SO, that felt great! It’s true I’d been doing a lot of cleansing but I recall feeling really awake and that my eyesight was clear and sharp. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the Liver meridian ‘opens to the eyes’, after all! Healthy Liver, Healthy Eyes! The Chinese also say that the Liver is the “General of the Body” so if your liver isn’t functioning at it’s highest level then the rest of you likely isn’t either.
Check out this Intraheptic Liver Stone, still inside the liver. This was exactly what my liver ‘stones’ looked like! Golden coloured. Other people experience green liver ‘stones’. Many people have had their stones analysed and have found that they contain mostly cholesterol and bilirubin. Olive oil, as you know, has zero cholesterol 🙂
This is my modified and perfected 🙂 Hulda Clark Liver Flush. I use less epsom salts than is suggested so the flush feels gentler and I start the day with Master Cleanse Lemonade so that I feel less nauseous when I’m sleeping. Try it!
This is the Traditional Hulda Clark Liver Flush
Here is Dr. Schulze’s 5-day Liver Flush. Not as dramatic as the Hulda Clark Liver Flush, but is definitely beneficial.
Andreas Mortiz’s excellent tips and insights into Liver function and liver flushes.
Eat good fats and your liver and gallbladder will be happy!
Edgar Cayce suggests Castor Oil Packs for a myriad of health issues: Castcholecystitis (inflammation of the gall bladder), poor eliminations, epilepsy, various liver conditions such as cirrhosis and torpid liver, scleroderma, headaches, appendicitis, arthritis, incoordination between assimilations and eliminations, colitis, intestinal disorders such as stricture and colon impaction, incoordination between nervous systems, neuritis, toxemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, IBS, heavy menstruation, healing surgical or other wounds, fibromyalgia, acne, constipation, bone spurs, dissolve any sort of growth, lump, tumor or cyst (diseases caused by “Blood Stagnation in Traditional Chinese Medicine), psoriasis, gout, kidney stones, hypertension, high blood pressure, serves to relieve abdominal congestion due to sluggishness of the lymphatic circulation and dissolves warts and unwanted moles! And this list is by no means complete! Even healthy people should do a castor oil pack at least once a month! My link explains how to do the castor oil packs step by step and this link shares some of Edgar Cayce’s own recommendations about when and how to use the packs.
Fasting Options
I love Fasting! My two favourite fasts are The Master Cleanse Lemonade Fast and the 3-Day Edgar Cayce Apple Fast.

Need some Inspiration?
The Master Cleanse Fast does the following:
To dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in any part of the body.
To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system.
To purify the glands and cells throughout the entre body.
To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles.
To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels.
To build a healthy blood stream.
To keep youth and elasticity regardless of our years.
When do you need to Master Cleanse?
When sickness has developed—for all acute and chronic conditions.
When the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing.
When overweight has become a problem.
When better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed.
When you find yourself allergic to too many things.
When you don’t feel connected to your higher self.
When you’re feeling like all your energy is used up on the physical level with none left over for spiritual matters.
The Master Cleanse can be combined with Bentonite & Psyllium Shakes as well as a Parasite Cleanse…resulting in the ‘Ultimate Cleanse’. One of my all-time favourites, especially when you end it with a Liver Flush!
I share how I felt doing the Master Cleanse and B&P shakes here.
The Ultimate Cleanse – some extra tips about scheduling the B&P’s, Salt Water Flushes (I can’t do those!) and the Parasite Cleanse.
Check out my page on one of my favourite cleanses: The 3-Day Apple Fast.
Here is my post on why Edgar Cayce suggests doing the 3-Day Apple Fast to detox on a cellular level.
Read about how my step-dad got rid of his life-long allergies by doing a 3-Day Pear Fast with B&P shakes that segued into a Liver Flush and changing his diet. My step-dad had gotten to the point with his hay fever where he had to sleep sitting up because he could barely breathe! I really wanted to help him so I suggested a Pear Fast instead of the Apple Fast because pears heal the lungs and bronchitis. The effect was dramatic and instant! Check out my post to read his emails telling me that he can cut the grass without sneezing and wheezing after only two days on the Pear Fast and how he actually stopped snoring, too! Wow. Dramatic 🙂 I just reminisced about this with my mom and she added, “And he hasn’t had an allergy since!” It is now 2017 and he did this Pear Fast in 2003! That’s impressive.
The Doctor Within has a grrrrreat page on explaining what Allergies are and how most people are really just covering up the symptoms and ignoring the main cause: toxins! He is funny and it’s a very easy read – not dry at all – and, most important of all, very informative. You’ll get it!
Here is The Doctor Within’s page of Articles. My favourites are: A Normal Life (short), The Last Resort, The New West Diet, Journey to the Center of your Colon, Allergies: The Threshold of Reactivity, Sugar: The Sweet Thief of Life, Natural Whole Food Vitamins: Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C! Enjoy your reading! 🙂
My CureZone Post on how to piece together a good, sound, Cleansing Schedule.
And…if you happen to have a case of the blues or feel flat, why not check out my Cure for the Blues page? You can add your cleanse to the personalized Chart you create and start cleansing inside and out!
Remember to drink a lot of warm water every day while you cleanse. You need to flush all those toxins out quickly and warm water is a great way to ensure that. Detox headaches are normal and to be expected – but the more warm water you drink, the better. (remember that warm water stimulates peristalsis and cold water does not)
Happy Cleansing!
31 thoughts
Great article Tracey. Tom Woloshyn who wrote a book on Master Cleanse, apparently he studied under Stanley B, says that the B&P should be done only if someone is using colema board. He does not explain why. Any possible problems with B&P? Maybe the psyllium is considered a food? I also worry about the lemon damaging my teeth, especially if I was to do the Master Cleanse for more than the 10 days. Have you heard anything with that respect?
Hi Barb! I have done the B&Ps sooooo often and watched good friends and boyfriends do them too, with GREAT results – there is absolutely zero danger in doing them. What I love about the B&P shakes is that there are no herbs in the mix – so no cascara sagrada to help things along (and become dependent on!)…just the psyllium that expands and acts purely as a physical scrubber…and the bentonite that sucks all the toxins up on it’s way out with the psyllium. Easy and simple. You don’t need to do enema’s because the psyllium scrubs everything out – you’ll see – your movements will be cleaner. Did you read the link where my ex boyfriend pooped out a 1974 penny he’d swallowed as a 9 year old? Yup! And, more recently, a month or so ago I started taking some B&P and on day 4 or 5 I pooed out about ten dead worms!! Ugh. They looked like rice noodles. I’ve never seen that in ALL my years of cleansing. What surprised me was that I wasn’t doing a parasite cleanse at all – just the B&P shakes! After some research I read that the bentonite actually SUFFOCATES worms. So…yay! 🙂
I know that some people do have sensitive teeth when they do the Master Cleanse. When you drink your lemonade (I usually drink it out of a wine bottle) just try not to get it all over your teeth. I know some who rinse with baking soda water, too, so you might want to try that 🙂
Good luck and happy cleansing!!
Thank you for your response. It is a great advise about the rinse with baking soda. That might do it.
So to clarify – you do not use any laxatives or salt water flushes while on the master cleanse? If this is the case then how many bowel movements do you get?
It did not make sense to me that B&P would not be OK on the mc. I see if I can contact the guy and see how he explains it. Maybe he just wants to keep it as close as possible to the original author.-
Hi Barb!
Ooh right, the salt water flushes – I have nevvvvver been able to do them so I just leave them out. Our motto at Curezone was always to do what feels right for you – we don’t want to torture ourselves 🙂 And, I don’t use laxatives, no. That’s why I do the B&P so that there is something actually to move through your system….and to eliminate. Without the B&Ps bowel movements are minimal and it’s rather uneventful…and I really like to see results so that’s why i do the B&Ps three times a day. I totally get how people like to follow instructions exactly but I am a big believer in adapting regimens to suit yourself…your own body wisdom…all that, too.
I can understand not doing the B&Ps when you’re doing a water or dry fast because then you’re not really fasting – but the MC has minerals and ‘food’ in it even though it’s liquid so the B&Ps wouldn’t be adding ‘food’ to the MC since there are already nutrients that the body has to deal with.
Would love to hear how it goes for you!
Thank you!
It says on your site that liver flush can be done directly after the MC but I thought that you have to introduce food gradually starting with juices, fruit etc. If I drink so much oil at the end of MC, isn’t it going to kill me? lol
Second question. I know that MC has some nutrients but I was wondering what about the people who do it for more than 10 days. 20, 40 or more. Apparently one woman did it for 372 days! Aren’t they going to get depleted in some nutrients? Does MC become dangerous at any point and how someone would know when to stop MC whether because of danger/potential injury or simply because body is all cleaned up and rejuvenated? You do not what to do MC for longer than necessary, I assume, but I do not know how someone decides when to stop.
Hi Barb! Hahahhaha nooooo not to worry all that oil is not going to kill you! It’s a funny drink the fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice and the virgin olive oil because when you shake it up in the jar it emulsifies and it doesn’t feel like you’re drinking oil at all! Drinking the oil/juice isn’t at all like having a big steak dinner with baked potato…(coming off a fast eating big meaty dinners like that is deinitely not the best!) I’ve found that moving directly into the liver flush from the MC makes the liver flush very very easy to do – and I feel less nauseous in the night when I’m sleeping since I haven’t eaten anything in days (except the lemonade).
Hmmmm…I’m no expert on longer than 10 day MC fasts. I remember one person I knew did it for 40 days and she felt great. I think you really just have to listen to your body. You could also try 24 hour DRY fasts every now and then….apparently 24 hours of dry fasting (where you don’t drink or eat anything) are like 3 days of water fasting…here’s a link to that information: Make sure that you eat really nutrient-rich food in between fasting and cleansing so that you load up on nutrients, too. You can do that before you start a fast, too…
Thank you again!
In a post above (answer to Alina) you say not to use bentonite for more than 50 days in a row. Here under Day 2, second paragraph you say Your first Bowel Cleanse using B&P’s can be done for up to 6 months “ Could you clarify please.
So the cleanses you mention clean up our digestive system but what about parasites in other parts of our body? How do we get rid of these? Any ideas? You can see that I am on a mission lol.
The same question about heavy metals detox.-
Hi Barb!
Right – hmmm – I am guessing that when I was moderating at Curezone that was what people were doing – bowel cleanses for up to 6 months – but I’ve only ever done the B&P shakes for 50 days straight. I think you’d probably find that that is quite enough…but you never know. Gotta listen to your own body 🙂
Well, as I found out last month the B&P shakes actually suffocate worms as well! I had NO idea…it wasn’t my intention to do a parasite cleanse – I just started doing the B&P shakes because I felt ‘off’ and like there were toxins swirling around in my body. Soooo after just 4 or 5 days I eliminated about 10 dead worms about 6″ long! They looked like rice noodles – I couldn’t believe my eyes! Sooooo, yep, the B&P shakes help out with parasite, too. After that I did the Hulda Clark parasite cleanse protocol (black walnut, wormwood, cloves) to kill all the stages (eggs?) of the worms, too. So, I’d start there if I were you 🙂
I am planning on getting my mercury fillings out in May – and then once that’s done I’m going to follow the 9 week protocol from the book, “The Toxin Solution” to detox all my organs. I’ll add 10 drops of organic cilantro tincture to water before bed for a few weeks, too, as Dr. Klinghardt recommends that. I hope that’ll get you started!
Thank you as usual!
So I am on day 2 of the master cleanse (yey!)
Nothing major so far although I did notice that I am feeling down quite often. I think it is quite common when doing MC and especially water fasts, isn’t it?
I have a question regarding poop lol. The master cleanse book says that you should go 2 to 4 times a day. How is it possible if I am not eating? Could you please clarify this? I am not really expecting any bowel movements from now on unless some mucoid plaque occasionally.
I took today 1 B&P shake today. How fast should I introduce more of them?
I am planning on following The Toxin Solution as well. It is a great book in a way that covers everything without overwhelming you with recommendations of too many things to take or do.
I am also considering the Green Smoothie Girl program too.
Another great book is “Eat wheat”. I did a test and it turned out that I am quite gluten sensitive. Normally professionals recommend just removing gluten for ever but the author of this book (he has a great website as well) says that it is just bandage solution and the reason why you have any food sensitivity as that you have leaky gut. Once you fix your leaky gut your food sensitivities go away. I like this approach!
I am not sure if you have leaky gut or not but the book has a very doable and reasonable program. The author is into Ayurveda.
Thank you for all your help!-
Hi Barb!
OK – good going, Day 2! Yeah, feeling down is sometimes a part of it…it can be a really good time to do some writing so that you are also eliminating old, outdated ways of being…guilt, or pain or sadness or…whatever is in there that wants to be brought into the light of day so that it can be brought to consciousness and then, perhaps, let go… Cleansing on all levels!Yeah, I recall reading that in the MC book too – in my experience there is no way you can have that many bowel movements just doing the MC..there is simply nothing to come out! When I take the B&Ps at the same time, though, after probably Day 2 THEN stuff starts to come out. Fascinating stuff 🙂
Yes, great books – thanks for recommending Eat Wheat. Yeah, did you watch the “Broken Brain” series that came out a few months ago? It was free when it first came out and there was a scientist who said that gluten simply opens the blood-brain and blood-gut barrier – so little particles are floating around in places that they are not supposed to! Ack! So, yeah, cutting out the wheat/gluten seems like a GREAT idea. I went on a pretty strict diet for two months with no gluten, alcohol, sugar and, wow, I felt grrrrrreat.
So, back to the B&Ps…if you are prone to constipation maybe just start with one in the morning and one at night…but if you usually have easy bowel movements you can probably go right to 3 a day – that’s what I do and it’s totally fine. Takes a couple of days to work through your intestines but once it starts coming out….you’re in for some excitement! Ha. People that I personally know have eliminated alllll sorts of strange things (so you have to LOOK – get a chopstick 🙂 )….hard hard rock/bean like objects, a penny, tape worm pieces (they are very square and skin-like), round worms and, of course, many different sizes and lengths of mucoid plaque ropes….
Would love to hear how it goes!
You are so nice and helpful Tracey! Thank you!
I did only one B&P today just to be on a safe side since it was my first one ever. Normally I do not have constipation problems (I go at least once a day) so tomorrow I will take 3 B&Ps. I will continue them after the cleanse as well. Although once I eat and take supplements it might be a little difficult to fit them it. They have to be an hour away from food and supplements? How do you do it?
Your article says to drink half of your body weight in water on top of the B&Js and the follow up water. That means that if I take 3 B&Js then I would have to drink 138 oz. of water which is 17 cups, eight oz. each. That is a lot and I calculated for only 8 oz. for the shakes and 8 oz. for follow up water. Please clarify Tracey.
I have been gluten free since March 9 but I have not noticed anything different. That is interesting because mostly people do notice something.
In general I noticed that nothing really works on me: specific diets, supplements, acupuncture, herbs. Even bio identical hormones did nothing for me. That is why I am looking into more drastic things like MC, water and juice fasting just to see if maybe I can get reset or something. Maybe it is the god damn parasites lol. Detox is high on my list too.
There is a fasting summit that you might be interested in. Here is the link to sign up It starts on April 23.
Thank you.-
Hi Barb! It’s actually not that hard to fit them in because first thing in the morning and last thing at night are pretty easy to manage. If the middle one is difficult to do you can eat or take supplements up to 30 minutes on either side – that’s OK, too 🙂 Oh man! I never drink that much water, personally! I just, for sure, chase the B&P with a full glass of water – and then, depending on how I feel I drink more water or not. But, of course, if you CAN drink as much warm water as possible while cleansing as it does help the toxins move out of your system.
Yeah, best to do a parasite cleanse, too, for sure. And, you know, after you’ve done the MC maybe a quick dry fast will work for you?? Something kind of dramatic 🙂 But….I bet this MC with B&Ps will be reeeeeeally good for you! Once stuff starts coming out it feels soooo good!
Thanks for the link I will definitely check it out!
Thank you Tracey! I think that I come to the end of my questions lol Sorry about all the tormenting. Hopefully other readers come across it and benefit from it too.
So I took 3 B&Ps yesterday, the day before and two today. I have not had a bowel movement yet and it is the end of day 3.
I think you said that people poop after 2 days of B&P when MC. I am a little worried especially that when not eating there is nothing to push the B&P out, is there? And you say no laxatives on MC, correct?
I read some stories about how the bentonite and psyllium can clog you up. Here is one example : I do not know if it is just fear mongering or it can really happen. I do not want to have my bowels all blocked up lol.
Thank you for all your help.-
Hi Barb! Yessss, exactly, I’m sure other people have the same questions so this thread will benefit others for sure! 🙂 OK sooo you know I probably have not had a bm until Day 4 on the MC – don’t worry – it’s clogging you up in order to move everything out…it’ll come out, it’s just taking it’s time. I just looked at your link – ayyy yay yay!! Well, in all my years of cleansing and the 2 years moderating at curezone I have NEVER heard of bentonite turning to cement in the gut. Jeeez. I really like this link that answers all bentonite questions: Of course, if your intuition says that bentonite won’t be good for you, you have to follow that, though! Ultimately, always listen to yourself. Lemme know what happens next 🙂 (correct: no laxatives that’ll totally ruin the effect!)
Too late lol
I did the salt water flush in the morning because I started to worry. Also my tummy was a little bloated and I lost only ½ lb. today which got me thinking that something was stuck there. Normally the weight loss is at least 1 lb. Soon after I took the last sip I noticed that you had responded.
Tracey, what did you mean by” laxatives will totally ruin the effect”? I thought that both laxatives and B&P work towards the same goal to loosen and push out the mucoid plaque. I thought that it might be actually a good idea to take them together during the MC but maybe half of the laxatives that MC suggests.
OK, so that I do not worry in future – how many days maximum, can I go safely without poop before I should start to worry?Now coming back to my morning….I did have a large bowel movement (double of regular one) 40 to 50 minutes after the salt water. I saw a lot of the ropes that I saw on pictures. It looks like the bulk of it might have been mostly the psylium but the psylium does not explain why they kept in long strings without falling apart. Would you know some more about that? Also they were the colour of a regular stool so they must be quite new. Well, it is just the beginning lol
Half an hour later I had another one with some ropes but mostly watery.
Thank you!-
You really don’t have to worry about anything getting stuck…it’ll come out eventually (drink more warm water to stimulate peristalsis 🙂 ) …but yeah, glad that the salt water flush worked for you – right on! And you got some ‘ropes’ out! Exciting 🙂 I really don’t understand the ropes but the fact that they were dark and you haven’t been eating anything dark is grrrrrreat….you’re getting out some old stuff – and the bentonite is sucking up the toxins. Good good!
B&Ps don’t work like laxatives at all…as you’ve noticed…there is nothing in the B&Ps to actually MAKE you go….they just have to work their way out physically. You don’t want to take laxatives for two reasons: often you’ll get diarrea and that’s no good and you don’t want to become dependent on laxatives to have a bowel movement.
Sounds like you got out some good stuff – glad to hear it!
Thank you Tracey,
So you say that whenever it is ready (the B&P inside me) then it will just come out? lol
I guess once someone eats, it should not be a problem, the bowel movements would be fairly regular but I wonder about when someone goes for an extended MC. Hmmm..
Anyway, I just wanted to report something strange. Even though yesterday I had this large stool (not to mention the luck of food) I did not lose any weight! It was so disappointing. How it is even physically possible lol. Here it is how my weight loss has been so far: 1 lb., 1.5 lbs., 1.5lbs., 1 lb., 1/2lb. and nothing today. Does it look like a normal/average weight loss while on MC? It looks like it might be slowing down. I have 20 to 30 lbs. to lose total.I am thinking to continue taking the B&P past MC for a total of the 50 days or so depending how it goes. However, isn’t my body going to get used to the psyllium and once I stop it there might be some problems? Maybe constipation? Should I maybe continue taking the bentonite 3 times a day but vary the psyllium so maybe take 2 day brake every 5 days or so?
Thank you so much!
Haaaa…well…even before you eat something the B&P is going to come out – it’s just taking it’s time making it’s way through your intestines 🙂
No no no your body won’t become constipated after you stop taking the psyllium – there is a common misconception about psyllium – people think that it makes you have a bowel movement but usually those psyllium products have laxatives in them! Psyllium on it’s own does not encourage you to have a bowel movement. Think of it just as a physical scrubber….slowly making it’s way through your intestines, that’s it.
Listen to your body, though…it’ll tell you when to stop the B&Ps.
Hmmm about the weight loss…I know people DO lose weight doing the MC but if you really want to lose weight – I just read a great book on losing weight via doing everything you can to create good bacteria in your gut. The book is called: The Microbiome Diet – it sounds like there is solid science behind the health of your gut and achieving your optimal weight and health! Check it out…. 🙂
Thank you Tracey,
I am familiar with the Microbiome diet book. I think I have read all the books or at least glanced through them. I am going to order it from library again. Although my test results showed that my microbiome was not bad, there no such thing like too much Gut care lol.
I finished my last day (10th) yesterday. The MC was really easy for me. I had no problems whatsoever other than feeling a little depraved the first two days but nothing major. Never had any cravings. Not even now.
I am a little confused about the food reintroduction though. For some reason I thought that the first day is supposed to be juice and orange, the second some light veggie soup can be eaten on top of the juice and orange and then for the next two days or so some light and healthy veggies and fruit.
I looked at the Complete Master Cleanse book and there the author has 2 versions: For people who were vegetarian and vegan before and for the ones who did not eat healthy. I see that the only difference between them is that solid foods are reintroduced faster for the not healthy eaters. I do not understand why 2 different plans like that. They do not seem logical.
I am actually surprised that the food introduction is supposed to be so very gradual. Is it so people do not get sore stomach or do not gain weight? I do not think someone would gain weight from few vegetables. I could probably handle some small salad today (without the oil) or some light veggie broth.
Today I had some orange and mango juice and 5 pieces of raw snap peas. I did not notice any digestive issues after the snap peas.
What reintroduction do you recommend?
PS. Please do not forget that the Fasting Summit starts tomorrow.
Hi Barb – wow, you’re done! Sounds like the timing was absolutely perfect for you as it was really eeeeeasy for you. Awesome! I don’t know what the MC books say about coming off a fast – I always come off it by making a vegetable soup…super simple – easy to digest. I’ve had salads, too, and never had any problems. The interesting thing is, though, if you eat something that your body really doesn’t like, it becomes really obvious – like dairy or wheat for some people. Oh, the fasting summit – eek, I forgot to check that out – thanks for the reminder!
Great! Thank you Tracey.
So I see that you do veggie soups and salads on the first day. Good to know. Do you experience any fullness, bloating etc. when starting eating? When would I be able to introduce protein and fat?
How much women lose on average while on the 10 day cleanse? Just curious.
There is also an Energy Medicine Summit if you are interested. When you google it you should be able to find the link to sign up very easily.
Now I am off to make my vegetable soup lol-
I didn’t experience any bloating or fullness, nope. BUT…you will probably notice that as soon as you start eating you feel you don’t feel nearly as light! Food really brings you down to earth! I’d say protein and fat can be introduced on the second day – I think it’s more about noticing how you feel when you introduce food to your diet and how your body feels about it than any problem with digestion…
I have to admit that when I was supporting people through MCs on Curezone in the early 2000s most people were doing it for health reasons not because they wanted to lose weight. I don’t recall it being a HUGE weight loss aid…it might kick start the weight loss for people but the real weight loss would come after with diet change, lifestyle change that sort of thing. Sorry I don’t have more information on that topic!
Thank you Tracey,
As I said before I will continues with B&P. I am trying to figure out what is the best way to go about it. In a morning upon rising you are supposed to take some water. I do not think that B&P even with 18 oz. of water qualifies as a morning upon rising water intake, does it? Mostly because I do not think that it is very hydrating? Maybe it is. I do not know. In a morning upon rising I would like to take water with lemon, apple cider vinegar and some other powders. I guess I will have to take B&P after breakfast especially that I will be taking supplement before breakfast as well? Did you say ½ hour away from food and supplements is enough for B&P? But longer would be better?
How does someone know what is the optimal number of B&P shakes to take? I take 3 but I my understanding is that you can take up to 5?
Also I think that you mentioned that you do not need to drink extra water (if you do not want to) between the B&P shakes. Is it right? No matter how many B&P shakes you drink in a day? My B&P shake is 8 oz. followed by 10 oz. of water.
I did the MC for health reasons as well. Unfortunately I did not see anything different as a result of MC. Also I was hoping to see some parasites and I do not think I saw any 🙁 I am taking wormwood, black walnut and cloves. I do not have Hulda Clark kit. I just bought my supplement locally and tried to approximate her program.
I did lose 8 and ½ lbs. We will see if I gain it back. My logic is that if the reasons for weight gain are not food related (things like thyroid, adrenals, toxins etc. as an example) then weight will come back. I do eat very healthy already. We will see.
Thank you very much!-
Yeah, sounds like you will have to do your first B&P after your other morning goodies. Yup, 1/2 hour away from food or supplements – more is better – but 1/2 hour is fine. You can experiment with how many B&Ps work for you – I’ve done 4/day before without any issues….if you feel backed up then do fewer B&Ps. You really should drink a lot of water while cleansing, if you can manage it 🙂 Most parasites are microscopic and B&Ps aren’t known as a parasite cleanse – I just happened to have visible worms and the B&Ps just happened to suffocate them, but who knew? If you think you have parasites good thing you’re doing the parasite cleanse. Wowwwww that’s quite a few pounds to lose in 10 days – good going 🙂 Keep up the good work!
I am interested in doing the Liver Flush but I can’t have grapefruit juice because I am on Protonix for reflux….is there something I can use besides grapefruit juice to get the same effect?
Hi Beth! So does that mean you can’t have any citrus juice? Or can you replace the grapefruit with lemons?
No, only grapefruit is an issue. Grapefruit interacts with a lot of medications. I can have anything else.
Ahhhh then I see that you can replace the grapefruits with lemons – that should work as well! I’d love to know how it goes…
Hi Tracey,
Thank you for such greatly informative post! And thank you for being such a wonderful person. It does come through your post that you genuinely care to help people.
I have been obsessing recently with cleansing/detox (LOL) and the information on your website is invaluable.
I have some questions please.
1) Is there any downside to taking P&B long term? Some people say that you should not take bentonite regularly. One herbalist/healer said that you should not take bentonite more often than twice a week as it causes phosphorus and potassium depletion. I read one woman’s review on Amazon that after 6 months she was taken to emergency as her potassium was so low but I do not know how much she took.
I think that you say that someone can take 3 to 5 P&B a day for 6 months? Some people do take it on regular basis for many years although, once again, I do not know how much. Anyway could you shed some more light on it please and not just about potassium and phosphorus but anything else. Things like beneficial bacteria, vitamin, nutrient, minerals absorption etc. Does P&B interfere with anything?
2) It is a great idea to do MC and the other cleanses at the same time. I was actually going to do juice feasting as per this website together with the other cleanses (colon, liver, parasite etc.) I believe that the other cleanses are part of their program too. What do you think of doing a juice feasting ( instead of MC) and the other cleanses together? What would the pros and cons be?
3) I am also looking for a program that would do a good job at intra and extracellular cleaning as well. I was surprised that you wrote that MC purifies the cells. I did not know that. I thought that only juice feasting could do that because you are bathed in all these nutrients from your juices.
Sorry about the longish post. I am just very excited to do a cleanse(s) and I am eager to start on a good program.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Alina! Awwww thank you so much for your kind words!
So, yeah, I totally understand how one can get obsessed with cleansing and detoxing…and once you feel the improvements (and see strange things in your toilet!) the obsession will be validated! 🙂
I’m not a doctor but the following answers come from 16 years of experience:
1. I wouldn’t take bentonite forever. The longest I’ve ever done the B&P shakes was 50 days – I felt like that really cleaned me out. I think you’ll know when to stop. One shouldn’t take any supplements within 30 minutes of taking the Bentonite just to be on the safe side. I include a fantastic link here that’ll answer ALL your Bentonite questions:
2. I have never done a juice fast myself (which is kind of strange when I think about it!). What I remember hearing is that fruits break down/cleanse and vegetables build up/repair so if you’re juice fast is heavy on the fruits it’s always best to end it with juices that are heavy on the vegetables. You have to get the timing down just right if you’re going to combine the Paraiste cleanse with the Bentonite & Psyllium shakes 3X a day. I just had an experience where I had a pain in my intestine for five months and I just did B&P shakes 3X a day and on the fifth day I eliminated about ten dead roundworms! Ugh. Seriously! In all my years of cleansing I have never eliminated worms! Freaky. I had no idea that bentonite and psyllium acted like a parasite cleanse, too! But I did some googling and found that bentonite actually suffocates the worms – and, it worked for me! That’s all I was taking! (now I am taking the usual parasite herbs in order to kill the other stages) The pain in my intestine totally went away, too 🙂 Wow. Seriously B&P shakes are my favourite thing – it was on day four or five that my ex-ex boyfriend eliminated a 1974 penny that he had swallowed when he was nine years old, too! Sooo…yep, if you do anything, just do the B&P shakes – it’s inexpensive and SO easy. The Apple Fast is easy and effective, too. (you can take the B&P shakes, too) You can do a liver flush at the end of the 3 days of either Apple Fast or the MC or your juice fast 🙂
3. I have been gearing up to do a water fast myself….I KNOW how extremely good it is for your body to fast like this and just read this great article that says, “The research showed that the act of fasting triggered a switch to flip in the body, signalling it to begin a “stem-cell based regeneration of the hematopoietic system.” It forced the body to use up its stores of glucose, fat and ketones, and also started to break down a large number of white blood cells. The loss of white blood cells flagged the body to, in turn, regenerate new immune system cells.” (NEW Immune System CELLS! That’s what we need! 🙂 ) Here’s the article:
So, yeah, I’m in the middle of cleansing again, too and have gotten all of my friends on the B&P shakes – it was only about a month ago now that I passed the dead worms. Eeeeek. Feeling SO much better!
Keep me posted!
Thank you so much Tracey for such a thoughtful response! Sorry about the delay. For some reason I did not get a notification that you have responded to my questions.
Anyway, I would love to exchange some more ideas with you. Is there an email address that I could reach you at? Alternatively you could contact me at alinan22 at
Thank you!